Monday, December 29, 2008
The Holidays are Almost Over
My best friend and I started cooking Christmas dinner for our families the year after we graduated college, and each year we have a different theme. This year was Italian, so we made lasagna, fettucine alfredo, salad, cheese/garlic bread, and green beans and cheesecake....YUM YUM for the TUM TUM as my friend Vanessa likes to say!
We also go see the classic film "It's a Wonderful Life" on the big screen as the local art-house theater shows it every year. I have to say, every year I enjoy it more and more, and apparently it is catching on as when we used to go, there would be like ten people in the theater, and this year it was packed! Good for the Belcourt, but the annoying people texting in front of us were killing me! Anyway, I LOVE this movie, I love the moment where Jimmy Stewart and Donna Reed's characters see each other at the party for the first time as "grown-ups" and Donna Reed looks so resplendent and who wouldn't fall in love with her? And the scene where they are talking on the phone together and the tension between them is CRAZY-I just love it. If you have not seen this movie, go now to Netflix and put it in your queue. Or I will let you borrow it. But you have to see it.
Did I mention lots of days off work? So today I am back for a three-day work week but I had three days off last week and two this week and I have watched all kinds of TV marathons-Some in the form of my own DVDs, some scheduled on tv.....I love watching TV shows in marathon format!
And even though the Titans lost yesterday-like, ugly lost-it didn't matter in the grand scheme and we might end up playing the Colts again if they beat the Broncos next week, and we will exact our revenge. It always comes around.....look at what happened to the Jets!
Also trying to get caught up on the photography website and blog....will be working on that this week. Since I only have one job now, I will be looking to kick up the photo biz a notch so if you have any photography needs, or have friends looking for a photographer, spread the word. If not, check out my website anyway.....
Monday, December 22, 2008
Merry Christmas Titans fans! (and everyone else too)
Also if you are looking for something to get you in the Christmas spirit, perhaps while sitting at your desk avoiding doing your actual work as I like to do, NPR has a diverse playlist of Christmas music-they are calling it "Jingle Jams" and you can stream it on a continuous loop. It should help you feel festive!
Monday, December 15, 2008
Anyway, Titans lost for the 2nd time to the freakin' TEXANS, but they deserved it because they all played like poop. Hopefully its a good kick in the you-know-where and they'll get it together in time to play the Steelers. Bad news is we may have lost Albert Haynesworth and we're already down Kyle Vanden Bosch, so we really have to be in the game next week. Everyone is blaming Fisher for going for it instead of kicking the field goal near the end of the game, but come on. We would not have had to rely on that kind of risk-taking call anyway had we played a better game for, oh, the first 3 quarters.
In political news, most are focusing on that crazy Governor from Illinois, and whether or not he'll step down today (in a word: NO). I never trust anyone named Rod. Just a helpful suggestion, Illinois. But I'm actually more amused by two other stories in the political news arena.
First, I am sure you've all seen the video of GWB ducking (pretty good reflexes, George!) as an Iraqi reporter throws shoes at him and calls him a dog (apparently that is the Iraqi version of giving him the finger). That's pretty amusing in and of itself. But the BEST part of this is when George tells the media that he's not insulted, and he thinks the guy just wanted to be on TV. Once again, GWB has no idea why loads of people, here and abroad, are disgusted with him, and proves his lack of self awareness, which, you know, is part of the disgust.
Second, John McCain was on This Week yesterday and totally threw Sarah Palin under the bus, saying while it was a pleasure to know her (KISS OFF!) there are a lot of good governors out there (QUALIFIED!) that will be shaping the future of the Republican party and he would not necessarily support her for President in the future (OVER HIS DEAD BODY!). He also defended Obama in relation to Governor-gate by refusing to join the criticisms of the RNC and said we should be talking about the economy instead.
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
Things I Hate...OK Just One Thing.
I can't help it, the whole premise of this show has always bugged me, and now I feel justified knowing that I was right-the good times may not last for these families, and who's going to help them when they don't?,,20245129,00.html
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Things I am Thankful for....a Top Ten List
10. Beyonce. Did you see the AMA's? Killed.It.
9. Titans take first loss, now 10-1. Oh yeah, I am thankful that they lost. Don't want to be like the Patriots now, and win them all only to lose THE.BIG.ONE. We needed to lose. Just one.
8. Candace Gingrich, for calling out the haters, even when they include her own brother.
7. Coffee-How else could I get moving in the morning?
6. & 5. New music releases-Taylor Swift's sophomore release, Fearless, and David Cook's self-titled debut. Taylor's 2nd CD suprised me. It is quite a bit more mature, generally and musically than the first. But-she's still a teenager, so its still a bunch of songs written by a teenager. But this is definitely a slightly older, wiser, and more experienced teenager, and its very good. I fully expect her to sell 3 million copies of this one too. Wish they would stop releasing the "princess" themed songs as the singles, but seems to be working for her so what do I know.
For an album that was written and recorded in probably 3-4 months, considering he only won American Idol in late May and then went on a 3 month tour, David Cook's CD is also good, but a tad generic. Its very 90's rock sounding to me, which may not appeal to everyone, but since that reminds me of my childhood and all, I'm happy with it. It is exactly the type of album I expected him to release-or at least be allowed to release, as the winner of American Idol. Again, I have to disagree with the single choices-I have yet to hear the first one, Light On, on the radio here-although I did see the video is #1 on VH1. And, if Saturday Night Live is to be any indication, it looks like Declaration will be the 2nd single, and while that one is OK, I think that Heroes or Life on the Moon are better-and Lie is the most surefire hit on there in my opinion, but I know they will not release a "ballad" type song until he's had a rock hit first (must establish the street cred). Anyway, I have two good new CDs to listen to at work, so I'm happy.
4. Twilight-the MOVIE. Yes, it is pure cheese. Yes, the special effects were bad. But to be able to enjoy the story without several hundred pages of Bella's annoying inner monologue? Fabulous. And, you know, that guy playing Edward was HOT. I am not above sitting in a movie for 2 hours for some eye candy. LONG LIVE TEENAGE DRAMA.
3. Gas Prices. Honestly, I never thought I would see them below $2 again in my lifetime....and while I'm a little miffed since I think this is all GWB trying to make it look like gas is the same price now as it was when he took office, and hoping we will forget about all that mess in between, it took me less than $20 to fill up the other day, so I kind of don't care.
2. President-Elect Obama. Already pushing Bush to the side and Takin' Care of Business.
1. The health and safety of my family and friends.
Happy Thansgiving! What are YOU thankful for this year?
Thursday, November 13, 2008
CMA Chatter and Fashion Review

Reese-ACK! What happened? I always count on you to look classy and chic-I think you got a LITTLE too excited about coming home to Nashville, and accidentally picked up Loretta Lynn's reject instead of that cute little number you were supposed to wear...right? Well, I can't hate you for too long, so please do me proud at the Oscar's, and we'll forget all about this one, OK?
Shania's Back! Shania's Back! And awfully tan and healthy looking to be coming from Canada-you go, girl! Kellie, take note-THIS is how to properly show a man what he's missing.
Taylor is looking nice here-very sparkly, which she is known for, and age-appropriate-she's eighteen now, so its sophisticated but still youthful looking. Eat her sequins, Joe Jonas!
And finally, this is not from the CMA's but from the Glamour Awards earlier in the week, but I like Nicole's dress much better here than the one she wore last night so I'm pretending that she wore this one and not that ugly spider-web one she actually had on.
Monday, November 10, 2008
Thank God this election is over, and thank God that I finally picked a winner! All of the statistics and figures that came out of this election were truly amazing. States that had not gone Republican in 30 years switching to Blue (Love ya, NC!); highest percentage of African American voters ever; and a candidate getting over 50% of the popular vote (52% to be exact, not that I am rubbing it in or anything) which even Clinton did not manage! Oh yes, Change is coming. The American People spoke loud and clear enough for even old John McCain to hear. (OK, that was mean. Did I mention I have never voted for a winner? Give me a moment here.)
After 8 years of a government controlled by the allegedly "fiscally conservative" party, our country is in 2 wars, we have a huge national debt, huge deficit, higher numbers of people without health insurance and living in poverty than we had 8 years ago, gas is anywhere from 1-3 dollars more than it was 8 years ago, food prices are going up BY THE MONTH, and people who have to work 5 jobs just to meet basic living expenses are declared national heroes on Good Morning America when we should all be screaming about the insanity of it all. So yeah, I think we reached a fork in the road of our country's future, and instead of going straight we finally veered to the left.
I'm a little amused/disturbed at the response of some of my Facebook "friends" regarding the results of the election. Now, I have friends and colleagues that voted for McCain and while disappointed (and I know how that feels) they aren't talking doom or gloom. But on facebook, some folks I went to college with, or church with, are updating their status with things like "praying for the swift return of the Lord" and "get ready for higher taxes" (because so many of us out of college are already making $250K a year I guess?) and "I'm so disappointed in my fellow Americans". Huh? Disappointed, I get. I've been there. Praying for the rapture? No so much. Because even though I disagreed with him almost all the time, I HOPED that one day Bush would do something that would make me proud, that would surprise me, that would set us on a better path. But all I got, day after day, was another fat deposit to the national debt and more soldiers killed in the Middle East. No real plan to change health care, education, poverty; no hint of the "compassionate conservatism" that was promised. There was little compassion OR conservatism in GWB's 8 years in office.
And people are sad over the fact that we kicked those policies to the curb last week???? Please, tell me, how GWB ever lifted his little pinky to abolish abortion or gay marriage. Because I know you didn't vote Republican because they are so fiscally conservative anymore. No, it was "social issues" which never even made it on his agenda. Did you really think McCain was going to go there either? Really, I want to understand this loyalty to a party who has given you nothing they promised, but you think somehow still has been chosen by God as the Christian party. They may talk the talk, but they have failed to walk the walk.
So I am trying not to let all this kill my buzz. I know my opinions aren't the only ones out there. But I don't think Obama won solely because he was not George Bush-if that were the reason, Kerry should have won 4 years ago. Obama had a clear vision for America, a message of hope and change for a better future, and has inspired people to dream of something better for their children. I'm glad for all the people of color who got to wake up and tell their kids last week that it is not foolish for them to hope to be President. I'm glad for those who have long been disenfranchised, that they finally had a candidate that looked like them and spoke to them-spoke to all of us-with a message of change, unity, and moving beyond the things that have divided our country-race, politics, religion, gender. That in spite of all of our differences, we have common values, and we can work together to form a better America. Ultimately, that is the message that connected with over 60 million voters last week and brought President-Elect Barack Obama to victory.
Now, all he has to do is not disappoint us. :) Good luck, Barack! We are a tough crowd!
Friday, October 31, 2008
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Who would have ever thought TN would have the best record in the league? With our back-up quarterback moving into 1st string to boot? Looks like all of the Pacman bad karma is behind us and we are ready for another Superbowl season!
Trader Joe's is almost here!
Unfortunately, I'll be in Knoxville for a site visit with work but I hear they are giving away lots of free stuff on opening day! I can't wait to check it out-I love Trader Joe's! If anyone checks it out before me please let me know so I can be jealous and listen to you tell me how great it was.
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
And I thought 2 jobs was bad...
Here you go.
I could sit here and rattle off to you a list of Obama and Biden’s achievements, my support for their policy positions, or sum up the Democratic Party Platform. But you can look up all those things on the internet yourself. Perhaps I have even pointed some of them out in previous blogs. At this point, you either agree with that stuff or you don't. I could have rattled off those things 4 years ago when I voted for Kerry, or 8 years ago when I voted for Gore. But this vote is different for me. I am voting for Obama and Biden for their platform, for their accomplishments, and because I think their policies will better serve the majority of Americans. But I am also voting for Barack Obama and his running mate Joe Biden because they inspire me with their vision for what America can be and should become-something I've never felt before when casting my ballot.
This is my third presidential election to vote in. I’ve never picked a winner. Third time’s a charm, I hope. Back in 2000, Bush proclaimed himself a "uniter, not a divider" but ultimately divided our country bitterly for the better part of his 8 years in office. Bush did this by following his “gut” rather than the experience and intelligence of his own advisers, by lacking the intellectual curiosity to explore opinions other than his own and ignoring facts, and by acting impulsively rather than thoughtfully in foreign relations (thereby entangling us in two wars, one extremely unpopular). After 9/11, we had the sympathy and support of the world-if this could happen in America, it could happen anywhere, and certainly the world was willing to come to our defense, in part to defend themselves as well. But our choices as a nation eventually led this goodwill to sour.
“We’ve been in the mountain of war. We’ve been in the mountain of violence. We’ve been in the mountain of hatred long enough. It is necessary to move on now, but only by moving out of this mountain can we move to the promised land of justice and brotherhood and the Kingdom of God. It all boils down to the fact that we must never allow ourselves to become satisfied with unattained goals. We must always maintain a kind of divine discontent.” –Martin Luther King, Jr. (“Keep Moving from this Mountain” sermon, 1965
It is time to move on. Republican or Democrat, most agree that change is essential. President Bush failed to meet his goals-we got distracted from Afghanistan by invading Iraq; education reform was implemented with No Child Left Behind, but not fully funded; 40 million people cannot afford health insurance; just to name a couple. I agree with Hillary Clinton when she said: “Choosing a Republican to clean up this mess is like asking an iceberg to save the Titanic." I respect John McCain’s military and public service; I always thought he was a pretty reasonable Republican up until a few months ago. But the type of campaign he has chosen to run (nasty); his complete flip flop on a host of issues, including tax breaks for the wealthy; and his selection of Sarah Palin, a skilled politician but clearly polarizing in her rhetoric and disturbing in her lack of interest/understanding in national and world issues; prove that he does not represent the type of change that America needs to restore its position in the world. The Presidency is not a reward for past service; it requires future-oriented qualifications. Leaders should be role models who symbolize what their nation can become.
Barack Obama is exactly what America needs. He also promises, much like GWB did in 200, to be a uniter. I believe he will be. I’ve had people argue with me on this-you know, the “talking point” that Obama has no history of reaching across the aisle (untrue; google Tom Coburn and see what you find) but here is why I am convinced that he will successfully unite Democrats, Republicans, and Independents: Obama understands that even when you disagree, you can acknowledge that the other side may have a point (he discusses this in his book The Audacity of Hope). He taught constitutional law for 10 years at the conservative University of Chicago law school, and the study of law is all about being able to see both sides of an issue clearly, and being prepared for the arguments of the other side-Obama won’t ignore dissenting opinions, he will seek to understand each side of an issue and make the best decision for our country as a whole. He has shown, through a nearly 2 year campaign, that he does not make impulsive decisions and that he is a careful, thoughtful decision maker. And as you saw if you watched the debates, he is a master of “disagreeing without being disagreeable” and keeping emotion and tension low are the keys to successful compromise.
I believe Obama is what America needs during these times of great turmoil. His election will not erase the damage done by eight years of neglect and reckless behavior. Our economy will still be in tatters, our civil liberties at risk, and out electorate deeply divided, and serious problems will remain in the Middle East and beyond. We need solutions. Not finger pointing. Obama has been a calm, steady leader, reassuring, and successful in giving Americans what they need most right now-HOPE that things can and will turn around, that we are better than the last 8 years, and that together, as one united country, we will be OK. We will find solutions. We can do it. We might have to make sacrifices (yeah, you, making 250K, you’re going to have to suck it up and pay a little more taxes; yeah, you, who doesn’t care about your carbon footprint, start conserving; yeah, you, who wants help to pay for college, you can have it, but you are going to have to do some volunteer work to earn it). But in a country as prosperous as ours, the disparities that exist in education, health care, employment opportunities, and housing are shameful and unjust. What hope can we give to future generations if we don’t try and improve upon these things RIGHT NOW? This is not socialism; it is ensuring that ALL Americans-regardless of race, gender, socioeconomic status, religion, or anything else-each have the same chances, the same opportunities to make their own way or squander their chances. THAT is what I believe our Founding Fathers envisioned for America, it is what I envision for America, and what I believe Barack Obama envisions for America-each person getting an equal chance to make something of themselves, whether they grow up in a mansion in Bel-Air or public housing in the inner city. We must have that divine discontent that Dr. King spoke of, we must keep pressing on toward the goal of forming a more perfect union. We don’t have to settle for an Average America if we can be Great. Again, in the words of Dr. King:
“Let us rise up tonight with a greater readiness. Let us stand with a greater determination. And let us move on in these powerful days, these days of challenge to make America what it ought to be. We have an opportunity to make America a better nation.” MLK Jr. (Memphis 1968, I’ve Been to the Mountaintop Speech)
In the end a vote for President is more than a vote for a single person - it's a vote for the America we want to be: a choice between one that strives to be more inclusive, more just and more compassionate or one that celebrates the individual above all else and divides us into red and blue, city and country and, in the end, into winners and losers. I believe that Barack Obama and Joe Biden are the right leaders for our country. I am prouder to have cast my vote for these two men than I am for any other vote I’ve ever made. It wasn’t a vote for a lesser of two evils, it was a vote for two candidates that I believe in, that I trust, and that I think will have the ability to transform our nation into something better than what we are right now.
Monday, October 27, 2008
One More Day....

Wednesday, October 22, 2008
John McCain, Good Ol' Days
Fast forward 8 years, and the same principles are now "tenets of socialism" and "redistribution of wealth." This is why McCain is so hard to swallow these days....back in 2004, I believe he would have been called a flip-flopper.
It was nice to see the old JM, back when he had good sense. And more hair. WOW, he's aged these last few years. Just sayin'.

Monday, October 20, 2008
The Home Stretch
So many things going on today! But for the news that made my life, yesterday Ret. Gen. Colin Powell (a Republican I would have voted for in a heartbeat should he ever have run for public office) endorsed Barack Obama on Meet the Press yesterday. Despite his longtime friendship with McCain, like so many Republicans, Powell is disappointed by the lack of judgment McCain showed in choosing Sarah Palin, his erratic handling of the economic crisis, and the nasty campaign that has been hateful and has no place in American politics. He has been impressed with the superior intelligence, calm and comforting demeanor which Barack has exhibited over the past several weeks and believes that he will best handle the mounting number of issues the next President will have to deal with, and you all know I totally agree! But if you missed MTP, PLEASE go read the transcript or watch the video-did I mention I love Colin Powell???? He made a simple, straightfoward, and thoughtful endoresement for Barack, and also for a return to better politics in general. It was LOVELY.
So of course, the McCain campaign must try to minimize this.....remind everyone of the 4 former Sec's of State that DO support him (never mind that none of them are as relevant right now as CP), and generally try to make everyone forget about the mass number of Republicans who are jumping ship faster than you can say "DRILL BABY DRILL!" (a good list of Republican ship-jumpers is here: And the ones who are still willing to stay on the sinking ship are going to try and convince you that Powell has a grudge against the Republican Party, doesn't want to be tied to another awful administration, and/or is supporting Obama because they are both black. See case #1 here:
But others are acknowledging how important this endorsement is, and First Read has a roundup of the major newspapers thoughts here:
And another scandal has emerged regarding Freddie Mac and sister company Fannie Mae, this one involves a secret plot to kill the regulation bill by REPUBLICAN lobbyists. This is interesting because John McCain regularly used his support-and Obama's lack of it-for the Fannie/Freddie regulation bill as evidence of the Republican party's superior economic intelligence-i.e., we knew it was going to crash and the Democrats killed our efforts to prevent this crisis. But this article at MSNBC today paints a very different picture of the Republican party's relationship with Fannie and Freddie, and it appears that they are just as culpable for this mess as anyone else (and includes evidence that John McCain also has major ties to F&F, even though he's tried to distance himself publicly from the troubled mortgage company) .
And finally, Sarah Palin and her doppelganger, Tina Fey, came face to face briefly for the first, and I suspect only time, if Tina has her choice. Palin appeared on SNL Sat. night in two sketches and apparently got SNL its highest ratings in 14 years. I thought it was pretty lame. I'll take Tina's Sarah over Real Sarah any day. Judge for yourself.
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
What YOU can do
37 million people in America live in poverty. What can you and I do to help cut this number in half in the next 12 years?
Get involved! Find an organization in your community that reaches out to those in poverty. Volunteer for events at the organization, to do office work, or sort donations. Donate old clothes, household items, and food to organizations that will distribute them to those in need. Many churches have food banks and clothing banks. Non-profit organizations like Catholic Charities often have "wish lists" posted on their websites of items they need. Your local newspaper may also have a community section where needed items are listed.
But perhaps you can help closer to home-you might have a friend or family member who you know has been struggling, due to loss of employment, health issues, or the general economic pinch we've all been in lately-buy a pack of diapers for a friend with a baby if you see them on sale. When Publix has buy one get one free sales, give your "free" items to a neighbor. Clean out your closet for a friend who is about the same size if she needs clothing for work.
In such uncertain economic times, it is more important than ever to make sure we are fighting to reduce the number of families living in poverty, rather than allowing more people to join the 37 million already in need of hope for a better future. If we each donate our unwanted goods, our time, our skills, and our compassion this campaign will succeed-but we have to work together.
If you'd like more information on how the campaign plans to accomplish its goals, check out this:
If you'd like to read about other ways you can reduce poverty, check out this list here (including links to more facts and statistics about poverty):
Thursday, October 9, 2008
What do you want to bet this guy is voting for "that one"?
How did I feel about Sen. McCain stating “You probably never heard of Fannie Mae or Freddie Mac before this.”Well Senator, I actually did. I like to think of myself as a fairly intelligent person. I have a bachelor degree in Political Science from Tennessee State, so I try to keep myself up to date with current affairs. I have a Master degree in Legal Studies from Southern Illinois University, a few years in law school, and I am currently pursuing a Master in Public Administration from the University of Memphis. In defense of the Senator from Arizona I would say he is an older guy, and may have made an underestimation of my age. Honest mistake. However, it could be because I am a young African-American male. Whatever the case may be it was somewhat condescending regardless of my age to make an assumption regarding whether I was knowledgeable about Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac.
So I know I have not mentioned the was fine, I thought Obama did well and that McCain did better than he did in the first one, but there were no game-changer moments on either side in my opinion. The "that one" comment sure didn't help McCain either-its obvious he despises Obama for ruining his last chance to be President, which has obviously been a lifelong ambition. The whole tone of the argument he was making when he said it was so childish too-he was acting like a 4-year old. Not very presidential, Johnny.
I thought Barack's strongest moment was when he was talking about health care. He was able to weave in more of his personal story and include his mother's experience with insurance companies when she was dying of cancer, and his statement that health care is a right made me want to cheer. I think a every uninsured American that heard that had to be happy! And who hasn't been screwed by an insurance company-so relatable. Plus, his plan is far superior to McCain's-his plan scares the bejesus out of me. I work in nonprofit and if my employer stops offering health care, I will have neither the time to go hunt my own NOR will I have the money as I don't think a $2500 tax credit is going to cover it, and I doubt my salary increase would make up the difference (in fact, I just heard on NPR this morning that health care premiums increased about 40% faster than salaries-so yes, your health care costs are rising and your salary can't keep up).
I don't think either candidate pulled too many undecideds to their side, but McCain didn't gain any momentum so I'm pretty happy with the outcome.
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
What Happened to "Raisin' McCain"?
Add them to a list of artists including Heart, John Mellencamp, Jackson Browne, and Van Halen that have criticized John McCain for using their songs during his campaign without permission (and they all say that if they had been asked, the answer would be no anyway).
What I don't understand is why John's not using the song that Nashville's own John Rich wrote specifically to be his campaign mean, the Foo's "My Hero" is better than "Raisin' McCain"? Poor John one in Nashville likes your music, and neither does John McCain.
On a related note, Rich did perform the snubbed song on CBS's the Early Show from Nashville yesterday, and a rabid Obama supporter jumped on stage and danced alongside him with her Obama sign. Hehe. Gotta love live TV....apparently they managed to edit most of it out with camera angles, but my coworker was there and said it was hysterical.
Quote of the Day
Anyone else think Obama-Springsteen would have been a fun ticket? (No offense to Joe Biden-really, no one can compete with the Boss. Nothing personal.)
Monday, October 6, 2008
Nashville is on FIRE
Seriously, the stars have all aligned in our favor, Irish eyes are shining, and all of those tacky cliches-it is kind of magical around here right now.
Why are we smothered in fairy dust right now? Don't know, I guess God just loves us best.
But we'll take it-Our Titans are 5-0, for the first time EVER in franchise history, and Vanderbilt beat Auburn this weekend as well, ALSO going 5-0 in, well, the first time since the ice age, basically. (We won't talk UT, however-the obviously don't have the Nashville Magic on their side.)
And to top it all off, we are hosting a Presidential Debate at Belmont University's Curb Center (you know, the place where we have the Country Music Awards, too! We're soooo diverse!) and its been one big ball of energy and excitement around the city lately. Apparently, McCain already arrived about 45 minutes ago, not sure when Obama is scheduled to touch down in Music City.
Anyway, I'm super excited about the debate, and all the famous media who will be here-it will be so cool to watch all of the news channels have their shows live from Nashville! One of my coworkers is going to the CBS Early Show taping near Belmont in the morning-if you see a cute redhead, she works with me! I doubt I will see Katie Couric or Tom Brokaw just hobnobbing around town, but you never know....I do work within a pretty reasonable distance from Belmont, and I'm definitely not above stalking, so I will keep y'all posted!
Go Obama!
Taking Off the Gloves
It is almost unbelievable-except, it is plastered all over the news. I'd never believe that John McCain, a respected Senator and Veteran, who pledged to run a respectful campaign, who condemned those during the democratic primaries who used Barack Obama's middle name, Hussein as a scare tactic to mislead voters about his religion, as well as those who tried to misconstrue comments made by Obama's former pastor Jeremiah Wright (See my old blog about that if you are not familiar) and condemn him for that association-that same man, John McCain, apparently did not give that memo to his running mate Sarah Palin. Guess he did not feel that strongly about running a clean campaign-or he would have told her to knock it off after she said the first time that Obama "pals around with terrorists." But then she repeated that claim-another association, proved during the primaries to be much ado about nothing-over FOUR times since first mentioning it on Saturday. WOW.
Not only that, she told commentator Bill Kristol that SHE thinks the Rev. Wright card should be played again. (Which makes sense, considering its obvious she paid no attention during the primaries or she would have known that these "associations" are old news, and the public has determined as much or nearly 20 million people would not have voted for him to be the nominee.)
Not only that, but John McCain, at a rally today, asked the crowd, "Who is the real Barack Obama?" When someone shouted out "Terrorist!" McCain raised his eyebrows. And he said....NOTHING. My friends, that is despicable. By saying nothing in response, John McCain has told me everything I need to know about his integrity.
I am truly outraged at what an ugly person John McCain has proved himself to be.
So in response, the Obama campaign has brought up one of Sen. McCain's less-than-desirable associations-one that the Obama campaign had previously insinuated they would not bring up as a campaign issue-the Keating 5 Scandal of the late 1980s. At first, I was a little upset that the campaign appeared to be participating in this little tit-for-tat game, because Obama has stated-repeatedly-that this campaign is about issues that affect Americans, not smear tactics. But, I also understand his need to defend his personal integrity, and I do remember that not fighting back to smear tactics is probably a large reason why John Kerry lost in 2004. Unfortunately, negative campaigning is a nasty part of politics, but everyone has the right to defend themselves. I certainly would!
The other side of this issue is that while Palin is trying to push a story with no merit, the Keating 5 scandal is actually a well-documented part of history, and almost derailed McCain's political career (he was a Representative, not a Senator, at the time). Cliff's notes version: McCain and 5 other Senators were investigated for their relationship with a corrupt businessman named Charles Keating (who gave over $100,000 to McCain's campaign alone, and paid for several McCain family vacations), who asked McCain and the other Senators for favors to get the feds off his back when his Savings and Loan bank crashed (costing the gov't around 2.5 billion-seems like small potatoes now, huh?) and while McCain was exonerated of any illegal activity (he attended 2 meetings, but did not act on Keating's behalf) he was declared to have shown "poor judgement," an assessment in which he AGREED with, and in 2002 in his autobiography called it "the worst mistake of my life" (apparently not his biggest regret-that, as we all know, is the "failure" of his first marriage, when he cheated on his wife repeatedly before meeting Cindy and then marrying HER 6 WEEKS after his divorce was finalized...yeah, sounds like he was real sorry about that).
What is most interesting about this scandal is that in short, McCain has led us to believe all these years that this was the turning point in his career-he felt so ashamed about his involvement-that he would dedicate himself to a mission of campaign finance reform as a form of penance to society, and hence the "maverick" was born out of this mess.
Problem with this NOW? Just today, McCain's lawyer said that the Keating 5 scandal was an attempt by the Democrats of the 1980's to smear McCain
Um-excuse me? So now, nearly 30 years later, he is not only going back on everything he's ever said-that while he may have not done anything illegal, it was wrong to have been involved with Keating, that it was the "worst mistake of his life"-now he's saying none of that is true? He was either lying to us then, or he's lying to us now....either way, he's a liar. And if he is telling the truth NOW, then his whole "reformer" image has just gone down the drain.
I say...make up your minds on your own. Some recommended reading: (A fascinating could almost believe it was written today, and not in 1989) no one can say I ignored this issue....the association that Palin is hell-bent on sticking Obama with is that of Bill Ayers. Look him up on wikipedia. Bill Ayers used to be a radical opponent of the Vietnam War, and committed a series of violent attacks as part of his protest and participation in a slew of anti-war groups. He was, at one point, labeled a domestic terrorist. Obama was 8 years old when these things happened.
Fast forward FORTY-40-count em-FORTY years into the future, Bill Ayers is not a respected member of the Chicago community, has raised three children, and is now a distinguished professor of education who holds bachelor’s and master’s degrees in early childhood education and a doctorate in curriculum and instruction. He and Obama have both been involved in community projects together and live three blocks away from each other. Are all of Ayers' students "palling around with terrorists?" Are the other professors who sit in staff or department meetings with Ayers "palling around with terrorists?" Is every single person who has served on a community board with him left-wing radicals who wish to do our country harm? OF COURSE NOT. Come on-this is a ridiculous attempt to distract from the real issues of the campaign, which McCain/Palin clearly don't have a clue how to handle.
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
Expectations of Excellence
But before I get to all that, I want to mention that in all of the "my candidate is better, my candidate is smarter, more experienced, went to war, whatever" I think we are forgetting one thing. We are supposed to be electing the PRESIDENT and VP. The 2 people who are going to represent our country to the rest of the world. We should expect these folks to not only be able to deliver a great speech with a teleprompter and some prep time, but to be able to speak off the cuff, to be one of the smartest, most-well educated among us, since we are hiring them to speak for us. We want them to know what they are talking about it and to say it well. They don't have to be EXPERTS in every issue from economics, to foreign policy, to health care. But we expect that they have THOUGHT about it. We expect they have read about issues, or been briefed by experts in the field, that they have taken time to not just memorize talking points but to have thought about each issue in a critical way. We have a right to expect EXCELLENCE. We should demand it. It's part of the reason our country has been so divided the past few elections-because each party props up their candidate, the BEST they have to offer in theory, and the American people have been a little skeptical....really, this is the best we have? Which is why these issues of experience, character, personality, temperament, have all become front and center lately. Because we need to choose the best of the bunch. And more than a few people have noticed that one person in particular in this race is not on an even playing field with everyone else.
You know who I'm talking about. My favorite Moose Hunter, Sarah Palin.
So conservatives are even starting to question whether Sarah Palin is "qualified" to be Vice-President, much less President should the need arise (remember kiddos, 1 in 5 VP's has had to take over). To me, as I have said in previous blogs, comparing this person's experience to that person's when the experiences are different in nature, is kind of pointless. I think the point here is that through the limited exposure we have had to Sarah Palin, both through interviews like the ones with Charlie Gibson and Katie Couric, and reports coming out of Alaska regarding her record as Mayor of Wasilla, and her recent accomplishments 18 months into her role as Governor, we have learned that Sarah Palin has not shown much intellectual curiosity as far as knowing what is going on in the world, or heck, even the rest of the US, during her time as Mayor or Governor. She did not have a passport til last year. Up until last week, she had never met a world leader. Her interviews have proved that she does not COMPREHEND foreign policy issues-as well as several domestic issues-beyond the talking points she has memorized. Her expertise is in energy. Which is important, but the economy and all its problems will be handed over to the next president, and we are in two wars, our tense relations with countries like Russia, Georgia, Pakistan, Iran, and North Korea make the news almost daily, and she has NO experience with any of those issues. And hasn't really proved that she's ever had an interest either-even since coming into office. She has some pretty extreme beliefs on social issues-McCain can talk all he wants about how far to the left Obama is, but I think that Palin may well be even further to the right. We have learned that despite being in office only 18 months, she has already managed to come under investigation, along with her husband, for ethics charges for using her position and influence to benefit friends and hurt enemies. She took $400 million dollars for a bridge that is not going to be built. This is what we know.
Just as disturbing as her lack of knowledge about things outside of Alaska are her statements about women's issues. Besides telling Katie Couric that she believed that a 15 year old girl, raped and impregnated by her father, should be "counseled to choose life" and that while she did not "necessarily" think that the "morning after pill" should be illegal, she did indicate a personal belief that it was wrong as she believes life begins at conception. And then there is an issue that has been making its round on political blogs for weeks, and is now being picked up mainstream: that while Mayor of Wasilla, a small town in Alaska which boasts the highest number of rapes per population than ANY OTHER STATE, rape victims had to pay their own rape kit/exam fees (which is UNBELIEVABLE-someone breaks into your house and no one asks you to pay law enforcement to dust for fingerprints), a policy only changed when, after Ms. Palin was no longer Mayor, a law was passed by the then-governor outlawing such practices (and in part, to enable to state to receive federal funds, as a result of the Violence Against Women Act authored by Joe Biden in the 90's). Read on as she recently avoids admitting that she did nothing to change this shameful practice:
Q: During your tenure as mayor in 2000, then police chief Charlie Fannon commented in a May 23, 2000 Frontiersman article about legislation Gov. Tony Knowles signed protecting victims of sexual assault from being billed for rape kits collected by police as part of their investigations. Fannon revealed then that Knowles’ decision would cost Wasilla $5,000 to $14,000 a year, insinuating that the department’s policy was to bill victims for this testing. During your tenure as Mayor, what was the police department and city’s standard operating procedure in recovering costs of rape kits? Were any sexual assault victims ever charged for this testing while you were mayor?
A: The entire notion of making a victim of a crime pay for anything is crazy. I do not believe, nor have I ever believed, that rape victims should have to pay for an evidence-gathering test. As governor, I worked in a variety of ways to tackle the problem of sexual assault and rape, including making domestic violence a priority of my administration.
So while she doesn't condone it, she still allowed it to happen right under her nose. And, no one has shown one thing she did during her time as Governor so far to "tackle" rape or domestic violence-not ONE THING-despite saying it was a priority.
This is not excellence. It is not even justifiable. As Barack Obama said in his DNC speech last month-America is better than these last 8 years.
We must expect excellence in our leaders. People make mistakes, of course. But we must begin to hold our leaders to a higher standard, if our country is going to in fact become better than we have been under the failed leadership of GWB. Time for CHANGE!
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Of course its up to the WOMEN!
You can't make this stuff up.
Every day I almost start a blog about some happening in election politics, but honestly, things move too fast and furious for me to keep up, and there are plenty of professional bloggers out there who can keep pace.
What I am really enjoying (and at times, loathing) are the comments made on these blog postings. My favorite so far today, in regards to reports that Sarah Palin will meet with foreign leaders at a UN meeting next week:
Then after she goes to the UN for an hour to “meet foreign leaders” and establish her security/foreign policy credentials, McCain will take her to a hospital, so she can establish her “health care” credentials; then they will go out in the street and meet a whole bunch of African-Americans, Hispanics, and Asians to check off the “diversity” credentials; then they can ride the subway for one stop to clarify her “infrastructure” credentials; and then, finally, she can use her ATM card at a bank branch down on Wall Street so she can demonstrate her expertise on the financial markets. I swear you can’t make this up.
I agree, gentle reader, I agree. You just couldn't make this up.
Thursday, September 11, 2008
Vince Young says he is fine
“It was my first time getting booed,’’ Young said. “I didn’t know how to handle that.’’ He said he didn’t refuse to go back into the game despite impressions raised during a sideline incident in the fourth quarter.
That may be fine and well, but Coach Jeff Fisher made it clear in this article that Vince will have to recover-physically and mentally-before the Titans will put him back in play. I'm happy to hear that-I do like Jeff Fisher and respect him for the way he treats his players, and I'm happy to hear that they realize that such an emotional reaction to being booed is not normal, and I'm glad they are encouraging his well being, in all areas.
For the Love of all things Nashville....
Much noise is being made around town regarding the top prize category-Entertainer of the Year. One, is that for the first time in anyone's recent memory, there is a FEMALE in the category, Jennifer Nettles, as part of the duo Sugarland. Last woman to enter this category I am guessing may have been Reba in the late 80s or so-but I have not googled that so no one jump on me-I am willing to be corrected!
Second, the link below is to an article about Rascal Flatts, known for their giant record sales and massive concert tours (I once heard that they have over 13 buses and several trailers for their massive stage show), being omitted from the category this year.
To be honest, I'm not upset about this at all-I liked them much better when they first came on the scene ten years ago, I think they are a little full of themselves so I'm actually a little happy to see them get knocked down a peg and give someone else a chance to be nominated. I have seen Sugarland live, and they are VERY entertaining. They covered Def Leppard's Pour Some Sugar on Me the last time I saw them live, and it was awesome. Glad they are being recognized.
Also on the list: Brad Paisley, who I've seen many times as my friend Wendy LUVS him. He's also great live, and his tours consistently are among the top grossing in country.
The other nominees are George Straight (luv him too, but entertainer of the year? He stands there behind the mic with his guitar and doesn't move. Not the most exciting.....he is not deserving of this category. Give him awards for the music but not entertainment value); Kenny Chesney (never seen him live, of course he probably has THE most popular tour, and has held down this category for about 4-5 years now, so I'd like for someone else to win this year); and finally, Keith Urban. I have to say, my vote goes to Keith in this category this year. I also saw him live about over a year ago (Nov 07), and in a year where I saw Justin Timberlake twice, I think that Keith Urban was the best concert I went to that year. It just proved that you don't have to have a major "stage show" to be completely entertaining and crowd pleasing. We were in the very top nosebleed of the Sommet Center and everyone was standing up and rocking out the whole time. He was flawless. He deserves to be recognized for being a true talent and a great performer. Kenny may be more strobe lights and fireworks, but all Keith needed was a guitar and a microphone to entertain me for 2 hours.
Complete list of major nominees here:
And Kudos to Wendy for catching that they have changed the "Horizon Award" to "Best New Artist" and two of the nominees (Jason Aldean and Rodney Atkins) were nominated for the same award two years in a clearly they are hardly new.
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
A Reminder that No One has an Easy Life.....
Long story short for those of you hearing this for the first time, Vince was found, watching Monday Night Football with a friend, mental state intact. However, that is not the end of the story. Reports are coming out that Vince, in his 3rd year I believe as a pro, considered retiring last year, not sure that the expectations and the lifestyle of pro football were for him. His mother is interviewed in the Tennessean today calling her son "a young man that is hurting" and "needs prayers." A psychologist called on to talk to Young on Monday described him as "depressed." (SHOULDN'T THAT BE CONFIDENTIAL????)
It's hard to feel bad for a guy who, at 25, was a top draft pick out of college, makes millions a year, and should in theory "have it all." Sure, he had to follow in the footsteps of Steve McNair-a wildly popular AND super successful QB for the Titans. I heard an interview-can't remember where-that Vince questioned "whether the fans even want me here."
Part of me wants to tell him to suck it up, get OVER yourself, and realize that you play football, you did not make a mistake that people will die over. Get some perspective, buddy-you have a good life, you can ride this gravy train for a good long time.
But, having a degree in Psychology, another part of me is scared that we have another kid, thrust into fame, fortune, crushed under the weight of unrealistic expectations, that shuts down when the world becomes too much to deal with (Britney, anyone?). Because money won't make you happy, living your life under a microscope where people that don't know you are allowed to judge you in any way they see fit, and expecting yourself to live up to a legend who has several times the experience that you do would get to anyone.
So what happens to Vince? And my hometown team? Well, that pesky knee injury will keep him on the sidelines for 2-4 weeks. I say send him to a 30 day "rehab" type program. Whether he's a baby who just needs an attitude adjustment OR a young man showing signs of mental illness needing treatment, time away-and out of the spotlight-under the care of someone that can either way give him the skills to cope with disappointments in life and his career, has to be worth a shot (seems to be working for B-Spears). As for the Titans, Kerry Collins is in the hot seat indefinitely. And, we signed some other guy today as HIS backup-so it looks like the team is prepared to give Vince the time he needs to recover-physically and mentally-from the things that are troubling him.
Get well soon, Vince.
Sometimes, a Pig is Just a Pig
Today, there's a "scandal" about Barack Obama using the phrase "you can put lipstick on a pig, but it's still a pig" while on the stump in Virginia, I believe. After Sarah Palin's memorable analogy that "what's the difference between a hockey mom and a pitbull? Lipstick" McCain-Palin's camp immediately jumped on this, and Palin's spokesperson, along with a group called "Palin's Truth Squad" (irony?) both called the remark "offensive and disgraceful" and called for Obama to apologize.
The problems here? First, the "lipstick on a pig" phrase is an EXPRESSION. It is common in many regions, and especially in Washington. In fact, I remember visiting DC in high school and commenting on all of the "pig" propaganda in general-I think its kind of an inside joke among Washington insiders, actually. (Glad they have a sense of humor.) Not to mention, John McCain himself used the same phrase less than a year response to a question about then-rival Hillary Clinton's health care plan during the primaries. So, its OK for John McCain to be offensive and disgraceful, he needs to apologize to no one, and we should elect him president for this kind of verbal hypocrisy? If it wasn't sexist and offensive when he used it in relation to Hillary, I don't know why he thinks he can be judged at a different standard than Obama now.
Second, the remark was an analogy to illustrate the Obama-Biden message that we do not need 4 more years of failed Republican leadership and policies. It was not directed at Palin-at least in particular-but at the Republican policies in general, which yes, she proudly claims to support, and John McCain, who was actually mentioned in the sentence before the pig remark, NOT Palin. Here is the quote IN CONTEXT:
"John McCain says he’s about change too, and so I guess his whole angle is ‘Watch out George Bush -- except for economic policy, health-care policy, tax policy, education, policy, foreign policy and Karl Rove style politics -- we’re really going to shake things up in Washington.
"That's not change. That's just calling the same thing something different. But you know, you can ... put lipstick on a pig; it's still a pig. You can wrap an old fish in a piece of paper and call it change; it's still going to stink. After eight years, we've had enough of the same old thing. It's time to bring about real change to Washington."
So I think any level headed person could see that in context, he was not referring to Palin. Had she never made the remark about lipstick in the first place, we would not even be talking about this. I guess if you can't talk about the issues, you have to make a big election about little things like this.
So I'm getting very sick-very quickly-of the McCain camp constantly calling Obama on playing the "race card" when they have played the "gender card" at every angle. I'm sorry, if you get in to this sick, sorry game of politics, whether you are female, male, straight, gay, black, white or purple, you should be prepared for the fact that you will be judged; you will be held to a different standard; and you are going to have to have some THICK skin to make it out with your self-esteem in tact. Fortunately, most politicians have huge egos so that part is easy. You are what you are, female, black, old and white, and to act like people aren't going to care-or shouldn't- is just ignorant.
My opinion is that Palin has been treated with kid gloves by the media. People are scared to attack her because she's female, because she has cute kids and one with special needs and no one likes to attack a mom of a special needs baby. I get it, really. But she's not running to be elected "Mom of the Year" no one needs to attack her parenting skills (although I read the blogs, I know its out there). I think attacking her flimsy record is enough, but those things are just starting to trickle down from Alaska. Not to mention, Palin has not answered one question from a reporter or voter, she has not spoken unscripted AT ALL. So, what does she expect? If she's not talking, of course people are going to be talking about her....and reporting whatever they can find.
I've never hated John McCain. Really. He's generally been one of the more reasonable Republicans, even though I don't agree with his politics. But, running this type of campaign, twisting the truth in "offensive and disgraceful ways" as they like to call it, is making me really strongly dislike him. (But more on that in a future blog.) It is disgusting. Obama and Biden have run a classy campaign all the way so far, but in this country nice guys don't always finish first, so I think the gloves need to come off.
Because, a bully does not like to be called a bully. They only bully when they think that their target is not able or willing to fight back. So its time to end it. Come out swinging!
Thursday, September 4, 2008
An Open Letter to Sarah Palin
There are many reasons for this, and that is not what this blog is about. I could potentially write a novel between now and election day about all the thoughts I have concerning politics these days. But today, my thoughts are mostly about Sarah Palin.
I feel bad for her. And I also feel bad for feeling bad for her, because she's made it clear that she doesn't want my sympathy, she wants my vote. Because we both have vaginas, you know, so clearly because I supported Hillary in the primary I should now vote for her. Actually, SARAH, I voted for Hillary not because of her anatomy, but because she shares my position on a variety of issues and I thought she was smart and qualified to lead. I also liked Barack Obama, and am just as comfortable voting for him come November as I was voting for Hillary in February. But again, more about that in another blog.
Unfortunately, only a month ago admitted that she did not understand the role of a vice-president. And a month later, I am to believe that the woman who made the statement below now understands not only that role, but the inner workings of our governments design, has a complete command of foreign policy, and that my life and my country will be better when she is elected?
Palin replied: “As for that VP talk all the time, I’ll tell you, I still can’t answer that question until somebody answers for me what is it exactly that the VP does every day? I’m used to being very productive and working real hard in an administration. We want to make sure that that VP slot would be a fruitful type of position, especially for Alaskans and for the things that we’re trying to accomplish up here for the rest of the U.S., before I can even start addressing that question.”
See for yourself:
Well, Sarah, when I have applied for a job in the past, I have first made sure that I learn about the organization that I am applying to work for, I read the job description, and have questions prepared to ask at my interview. You know, I like to make sure that my experiences and interests are compatible with the position. But that's just me, and ordinary working American.
So, since you obviously didn't think preparing for applying for the 2nd highest job in the country was important, I did some of the work for you. I mean, of course its too late to ask questions of your potential employer, John McCain, so the fact that you both disagree on a few issues is just something you two will have to work out. But I did look into exactly what the VP is supposed to do, besides take over in case the president dies, resigns, or becomes medically unable to continue; and here is what I found out. You can thank me later. I know you have more important things to deal with right now.
1. VP is President of the Senate: As President of the Senate, the Vice President has two primary duties: to cast a vote in the event of a Senate deadlock and to preside over and certify the official vote count of the U.S. Electoral College.
2. Chairman of the Board of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)
3. Member of the board of the Smithsonian Institution
4. A symbol of American concern or support
5. Depending on the specific relationship between the President and the Vice President, formal and informal duties may vary, but often include drafter and spokesperson for the administration's policy, and an adviser to the president.
6. He or she may be assigned additional duties by the president but, as the Constitution assigns no executive powers to the vice president, in performing such duties he or she acts only as an agent of the president.
Ya hear that? NO EXECUTIVE POWERS. So, all of your year and a half's worth of "executive experience" that you keep bragging about is not really relative to the position. Exactly which of your experiences, from Mayor to Governor to Miss Alaska, have given you the qualifications to advise our president on foreign policy? To deal with the 45.3 million people in our country that do not have health insurance?
And let's also want to convince me that after being Mayor or a town of somewhere between 6,000 and 9,000, you had enough "responsibilities" and "accomplishments" to prepare you for presiding over a country of more than 300 million people?
Barack Obama had more than 3.5 million people vote for him in his most recent election for public office as Senator of Illinois.
You had less than 120,000 votes when you were elected governor of the 4th smallest state in the union.
I do believe that comparing the experiences of Senator and Governor in terms of which makes you more prepared to be president is like apples and oranges. Unfortunately, Sarah, none of your political experience until a week ago was on a national stage. You have to admit, that SHOULD make people a little nervous. Especially since John McCain would be the oldest inaugurated President in history at 72, and its pretty obvious that the job is a stressful one.
And last night, you insulted the millions of Americans who work in nonprofit industries like myself. You mocked Barack Obama's early career experiences in the 1980s as a community organizer, but you were in fact competing in beauty pageants during those same years. You and Rudy Guiliani accused Barack Obama of "never leading anything" when in fact, while you were dreaming of being Miss Alaska, Obama was the DIRECTOR of the Developing Communities Project, which he grew from a staff of 1 to 13 in three years.
Then, in 1988, when you were working as a Sportscaster on the local news, Barack Obama attended Harvard Law School, where he became the first black president of the Harvard Law Review. A full-time VOLUNTEER position, to which he was elected, a position functioning as editor-in-chief and supervising the law review's staff of 80 editors.
Obama directed Illinois Project Vote from April to October 1992, a voter registration drive with a staff of 10 and 700 volunteers. This is the same year that you entered the political forum, being elected to the city council of a town of less than 7,000. So at that time, Barack Obama already had nearly 10 years more experience in law, politics, and community knowledge than you did.
So now I am up to 1992, and I have already proved you a liar three times, Sarah and Rudy. Barack Obama has been LEADING for the majority of his life. I am not trying in any way to diminish your achievements in politics Sarah, but to say that you led while Barack Obama wrote books is simply untrue.
Shame on you both. Barack Obama and Joe Biden have both spoken kindly and graciously of John McCain and Sarah Palin's accomplishments. I urge you, Sarah Palin, as nominee for Vice-President of the United States, that if you really want to prove yourself as a non-Washington insider, that you at least do your homework. You may find it helpful to understand how Washington government works, and to do your homework on your opponents, and to speak of your plans and beliefs rather than trashing someone else's.
Just a suggestion. After all, we get to make our own choices here in America, at least for now.