Thursday, September 17, 2009

Again, what is the problem?

Stephanopulos: So what's the problem with the public health option?

Landrieu: Well, many of us believe, George, that it will undermine the private insurance system.

When a Democrat says something like that, I am starting to get really worried about this health care thing. Um, isn't the public option supposed to "undermine" in a sense, the private system? The one that is making millions (and giving their execs big bonuses while denying OUR claims) while the rest of us are out of jobs and losing our homes but giving them some fair competition is a bad idea? And wouldn't a public option CREATE jobs? I'm just dumbfounded that we can't get this together.

Next thing you know, people are going to be saying we should scrap the public school system because it's unfair to the private schools, and that we should really limit the power of the police in favor of more vigilante justice.