THE PLACE for all things Obama, including his Inaugural Address:
NYT Article that pretty much sums up most of my feelings about that address, accompanied by a sweet photo of the Bushes flying away as the folks lining the steps of the Capitol watch:
TIME Magazine's Photo Essay of the Events (for the non-readers out there, LOL):
So, the inauguration itself-I was BLOWN AWAY by the images of the crowd. I definitely would have been claustrophobic! So what is this with Dick Cheney in a wheelchair because he hurt himself moving furniture or something? YEAH RIGHT. Um, like any of us believe that the VP of the US is moving his own furniture? Nice try. Don't know what is wrong with him, but not surprised at all that he chose to be a little less than truthful about it.
I'm pretty sure I have mentioned before how much I love that Obama was a Constitutional Law professor for many years. It showed yesterday when Justice Roberts flubbed the oath of office, and Obama KNEW he did and clearly did not know what to do about it! Such a human moment-then, Roberts realized he'd transposed the words and corrected himself, but by that time Obama had already rearranged the words in HIS head and still said it the wrong way. LOL. Thank goodness that oath is just ceremonial!
Also-HOW CUTE are the First Daughters? Little Sasha will be entertaining us quite a bit, I predict. She gave her dad the thumbs up right before he took the Oath of Office. And Malia is a girl after my own heart-never saw her without that camera in her hand! At one point when everyone had to stand, VP Biden was in front of her and she could not get her shot-she handed him the camera and made him take the photo, and ALSO inspected the photo when he handed her the camera back to make sure he got it! LOL. Love these girls-so poised and adorable.
The ADDRESS: I thought it was very, very good. Loved that George had to sit there and listen to Obama tell him he had failed to make tough choices (since George thinks that was his strong suit). I loved the part about our spirit being stronger than that of terrorists (THAT is the statement I wish I head heard post 9/11) and also the part about greatness having to be earned; and how power neither protects us nor entitles us. Overall, I think his remarks were pragmatic and hopeful, and I hope he can pull it off!
Since I am addicted to this type of stuff, you know I also watched coverage of the Balls last night. Can I tell you how much I LOVED Michelle's dress. If you read my Golden Globes fashion review, you know that Michelle covered a couple of trends with her dress by a young, relatively unknown fashion designer-a one shouldered, Ivory, flowing chiffon gown with little flower appliques and some silver sparkle. I would totally wear this dress-crazy feminine, yet modern, youthful and elegant, and no First Lady has ever worn anything like it. I've seen mixed reviews on the dress, but I say SCORE. The best photos I have found are here (not easy to photograph the detail in a white dress!) and also shows up close on the gown and up close of the accessories.
(If you go to this site, the pics are down at the bottom of the page-there are a couple at the top, but a whole bunch of great ones if you scroll down)

Anyway, glad that this new time for America is finally here.
1 comment:
I think we've all written about this subject today. lol.
I LOVED both her dresses yesterday. It's going to be fun to watch her fashion.
And I agree. The girls were precious.
Now, what about those movie recommendations? lol.
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