Tuesday, June 10, 2008

So...as I am still having American Idol withdrawals (actually, TV withdrawals in general-no more Lost, The Office, or any of my other favorite shows!) I was happy for the hometown Idol-wannabe show, Nashville Star, to arrive on my TV screen. My happiness was quickly replaced by disappointment. For myriad reasons. Let me give you a list.

1. The show is NASHVILLE STAR. Ya know, country music capital of the world and all. But half the songs the contestants chose were not even country! Now I would have been totally open to a country version of a pop song, but that is not what happened. Not that I did not enjoy some of the performances (most notable-the last woman, Melissa, blew everyone else away singing Bonnie Raitt's "Something to Talk About") but I just felt like they should have been a little truer to the genre if they truly want to be COUNTRY singers-don't make it look like American Idol: Rejects or something.

2. The judges! Oh my gosh-so annoying. Blondie (not sure who the heck he is-apparently he is a singer/songwriter/musician but I seriously question his taste level based on some of his critiques) was too full of himself and I cannot for the life of me figure out why. John Rich-well, I've never been able to stand him, he's so arrogant and again, why? Can't sing, hokey songwriter, and needs a serious makeover. Porn 'stache-EW!
(see http://tvwatch.people.com/2008/06/10/john-rich-on-why-nashville-star-is-better-than-idol/) The only one I like is Jewel-for reasons previously discussed in this blog; I loved her calling out Rich when he told her she had pitch problems and she told him at least she had more than a one note range-LOL! (On a side note-finding out that Rich helped produce her album explains why I am not happy with that first single.) Also loved her trying not to "mock" pageant queen Alyson's awful faces and crazy eyes but still show her what she did wrong.

3. Charley getting sent home. I could not even watch Alyson and her crazy eyes, I don't think she will last much longer-but I think Charley could have done much better with a second chance. He sounded fine in the pre-taped "getting to know you" segment but came out trying to be an entertainer before a singer, and picked the wrong song. But he seemed like a genuine guy. What were the judges thinking? They all admitted Alyson had gone backwards-so clearly, they told her what to fix and she ignored them or let nerves get the best of her. John Rich's big thing on this show being superior is how they mentor and develop the contestants, but if they are not teachable, we're all wasting our time-and I think Alyson may not be able to change.

So the good? Well, its filmed in Nashville and tickets are free. I bet going to a taping would be fun, and I haven't been to the Roy Acuff Theater in years! I liked Coffey (and one of my coworkers met him on an airplane and said he was SUPER nice), Gabe, Melissa (see video of her performance here: http://tvwatch.people.com/2008/06/10/nashville-star-premiere-melissa-lawson-brings-down-the-house/), and the Navy guy-hope he chills out a bit but he had a nice voice. The two young girl groups (duo and a trio) were decent but they are young and need a LOT of help with stage presence and polish.

So, we'll see what happens. Its better than nothing I guess!


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