Thursday, October 15, 2009

DOH! My US Senators Make Me Proud Again....NOT

So, I haven't been a good blogger lately, but I've had so much TEEVEE to watch! So what unbelievable world event brought me back to you today? Obama winning the Nobel Peace Prize? Titans 0-5? An actual living breathing Republican supporting health care reform?

Why no, it is the actions of my US Senate representation, both of whom voted AGAINST the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act for women earlier this year, and have now taken their hatred of my vagina to a new level. Yes folks, I try to keep this a "family" blog, but this is going to get ugly so take the children out of the room.

In 2005, a woman was working for Halliburton in Iraq and was drugged, gang raped by seven coworkers SO BRUTALLY that her vagina and anus were torn, she was bleeding, and her breast implants had ruptured. Upon, you know, TELLING, she was treated by a doctor and her rape kit was "lost" and then she was locked in a SHIPPING CONTAINER and held captive by armed guards without food or water. She was released only after her father approached the US Embassy for help. As if all that is not bad enough, she had a clause in her contract which prevented her from being able to sue.

So what does all that have to do with Senators Corker and Alexander? Well, they were 2 of the 30 Senators who voted against a bill that would not allow our government to contract with agencies who, like Halliburton and its subsidiaries, force their employees to agree not to sue if they are raped on the job. WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH THOSE 30 SENATORS? I have no idea if any of them are women. I'm guessing no. I guess that Corker and Alexander are going to look me in the face and tell me that if their wife and daughter were raped by coworkers, they wouldn't sue the pants off of the company that allowed it to happen. I guess they would also tell me that they would have no problem entering into a profitable business arrangement with the company after that happened because that is exactly what they think the government should do.

Why do we want to associate with companies that care SO LITTLE about their employees welfare? Why do my Senators want to condone that type of shady company policy rather than give my tax pennies to companies who value and protect their employees? Companies that are obviously corrupt. I mean, if you watch the Jon Stewart clip in the link below, the same folks who oppose ACORN by saying that taxpayers should not have to support agencies with corrupt and immoral practices are not supporting this bill. Because rape is OK? No, I am guessing that neither Corker or Alexander or any of the other 28 fools who opposed this bill condone rape, or drugs, but they are opposing this solely because it was introduced by a Democrat and for no other reason. I am so tired of these guys playing politics rather than voting for what is right and what makes sense! I mean, Corker, I totally expect, but Alexander will usually not go along with such nonsense so I am really disappointed in him in particular.

Off to write my weekly love note to the Senators' offices. Boy are they going to get an earful this week!

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