Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Sometimes, a Pig is Just a Pig

So, anyone that knows me knows that I love me some politics. I'm fascinated by the whole political process, even though it also frustrates me to the point of a mental meltdown most days.

Today, there's a "scandal" about Barack Obama using the phrase "you can put lipstick on a pig, but it's still a pig" while on the stump in Virginia, I believe. After Sarah Palin's memorable analogy that "what's the difference between a hockey mom and a pitbull? Lipstick" McCain-Palin's camp immediately jumped on this, and Palin's spokesperson, along with a group called "Palin's Truth Squad" (irony?) both called the remark "offensive and disgraceful" and called for Obama to apologize.

The problems here? First, the "lipstick on a pig" phrase is an EXPRESSION. It is common in many regions, and especially in Washington. In fact, I remember visiting DC in high school and commenting on all of the "pig" propaganda in general-I think its kind of an inside joke among Washington insiders, actually. (Glad they have a sense of humor.) Not to mention, John McCain himself used the same phrase less than a year response to a question about then-rival Hillary Clinton's health care plan during the primaries. So, its OK for John McCain to be offensive and disgraceful, he needs to apologize to no one, and we should elect him president for this kind of verbal hypocrisy? If it wasn't sexist and offensive when he used it in relation to Hillary, I don't know why he thinks he can be judged at a different standard than Obama now.

Second, the remark was an analogy to illustrate the Obama-Biden message that we do not need 4 more years of failed Republican leadership and policies. It was not directed at Palin-at least in particular-but at the Republican policies in general, which yes, she proudly claims to support, and John McCain, who was actually mentioned in the sentence before the pig remark, NOT Palin. Here is the quote IN CONTEXT:

"John McCain says he’s about change too, and so I guess his whole angle is ‘Watch out George Bush -- except for economic policy, health-care policy, tax policy, education, policy, foreign policy and Karl Rove style politics -- we’re really going to shake things up in Washington.

"That's not change. That's just calling the same thing something different. But you know, you can ... put lipstick on a pig; it's still a pig. You can wrap an old fish in a piece of paper and call it change; it's still going to stink. After eight years, we've had enough of the same old thing. It's time to bring about real change to Washington."

So I think any level headed person could see that in context, he was not referring to Palin. Had she never made the remark about lipstick in the first place, we would not even be talking about this. I guess if you can't talk about the issues, you have to make a big election about little things like this.

So I'm getting very sick-very quickly-of the McCain camp constantly calling Obama on playing the "race card" when they have played the "gender card" at every angle. I'm sorry, if you get in to this sick, sorry game of politics, whether you are female, male, straight, gay, black, white or purple, you should be prepared for the fact that you will be judged; you will be held to a different standard; and you are going to have to have some THICK skin to make it out with your self-esteem in tact. Fortunately, most politicians have huge egos so that part is easy. You are what you are, female, black, old and white, and to act like people aren't going to care-or shouldn't- is just ignorant.

My opinion is that Palin has been treated with kid gloves by the media. People are scared to attack her because she's female, because she has cute kids and one with special needs and no one likes to attack a mom of a special needs baby. I get it, really. But she's not running to be elected "Mom of the Year" no one needs to attack her parenting skills (although I read the blogs, I know its out there). I think attacking her flimsy record is enough, but those things are just starting to trickle down from Alaska. Not to mention, Palin has not answered one question from a reporter or voter, she has not spoken unscripted AT ALL. So, what does she expect? If she's not talking, of course people are going to be talking about her....and reporting whatever they can find.

I've never hated John McCain. Really. He's generally been one of the more reasonable Republicans, even though I don't agree with his politics. But, running this type of campaign, twisting the truth in "offensive and disgraceful ways" as they like to call it, is making me really strongly dislike him. (But more on that in a future blog.) It is disgusting. Obama and Biden have run a classy campaign all the way so far, but in this country nice guys don't always finish first, so I think the gloves need to come off.

Because, a bully does not like to be called a bully. They only bully when they think that their target is not able or willing to fight back. So its time to end it. Come out swinging!

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