Monday, December 29, 2008

The Holidays are Almost Over

Hope everyone had a great Christmas! There are so many traditions that I love at this time of year. Mostly, getting lots of days off work. :)

My best friend and I started cooking Christmas dinner for our families the year after we graduated college, and each year we have a different theme. This year was Italian, so we made lasagna, fettucine alfredo, salad, cheese/garlic bread, and green beans and cheesecake....YUM YUM for the TUM TUM as my friend Vanessa likes to say!

We also go see the classic film "It's a Wonderful Life" on the big screen as the local art-house theater shows it every year. I have to say, every year I enjoy it more and more, and apparently it is catching on as when we used to go, there would be like ten people in the theater, and this year it was packed! Good for the Belcourt, but the annoying people texting in front of us were killing me! Anyway, I LOVE this movie, I love the moment where Jimmy Stewart and Donna Reed's characters see each other at the party for the first time as "grown-ups" and Donna Reed looks so resplendent and who wouldn't fall in love with her? And the scene where they are talking on the phone together and the tension between them is CRAZY-I just love it. If you have not seen this movie, go now to Netflix and put it in your queue. Or I will let you borrow it. But you have to see it.

Did I mention lots of days off work? So today I am back for a three-day work week but I had three days off last week and two this week and I have watched all kinds of TV marathons-Some in the form of my own DVDs, some scheduled on tv.....I love watching TV shows in marathon format!

And even though the Titans lost yesterday-like, ugly lost-it didn't matter in the grand scheme and we might end up playing the Colts again if they beat the Broncos next week, and we will exact our revenge. It always comes around.....look at what happened to the Jets!

Also trying to get caught up on the photography website and blog....will be working on that this week. Since I only have one job now, I will be looking to kick up the photo biz a notch so if you have any photography needs, or have friends looking for a photographer, spread the word. If not, check out my website anyway.....

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