Monday, May 4, 2009

Before and After

So I know this is not my photo blog, but I can't resist posting a before and after of my brother cutting TEN INCHES of hair off this weekend! I'm still not sure he is happy he did it but he is sending it to Locks of Love, so at least his will grow back if he wants and someone else will benefit!

In other news, since I've kind of slacked from blogging lately, yes, I am still watching American Idol, although if it ends up being a Danny-Adam finale I don't think I'll be watching then. This top 4 would be ok if Danny had gone home instead of Matt (still want to punch Danny, still don't know why). Poor Matt-I think his nerves just got the best of him most of the time. I'll totally buy his album though. I think he's a star! I saw this video of him on Ellen-I'm not sure he EVER sounded that good on the show, which means that he is probably going to do really well on the tour this summer just singing for fun. LOLz at Ellen jumping on the piano! Hopefully Danny goes this week (could happen-he's never been in the bottom three BUT his fan base has also not been scared silly into power-voting for him like Kris's and Adam's will be after they were B3 last week). Ok, probably wishful thinking on my part. A girl can dream.
And I totally meant to do an "Obama's 100 days" post, but just didn't have the time! So for your political snack today, I have been Netflix-ing documentaries like crazy lately. Last night I watched one called "The Education of Shelby Knox" which was part of a PBS teen-issue series. It follows a virginity-pledged, Republican parented, average teenage girl in Lubbock, TX, home of the highest teen pregnancy/STD rate in the US, as she becomes an activist challenging the policy of teaching "abstinence only" in high schools and discovers that many of her long held religious and social beliefs don't actually make a lot of sense to her once she thinks logically about them (her parents are also an interesting part of the story, as her mom and dad clearly don't agree with all of her decisions but are supportive of her anyway, her mom even going with her to a protest about gay rights). The contrast of Shelby's evolution as her own beliefs were challenged with a town that clearly had no ability to evolve was unbelievably striking.
So today, I had to google Shelby Knox to see what became of her, as the final credits simply have her going off to college with aspirations of becoming President one day. And, my search did NOT disappoint-Miss Knox did go to college, move to New York City, and is a full time writer/activist/feminist doing all kinds of fancy functions with Gloria Steinem and Lily Ledbetter and other feminist pioneers. She also has a blog that I'll be checking in on from time to time now chronicling her experiences and "continued education." Watch out for this one folks! If you watch the film you will see-she takes NO crap and is not afraid to tell it like she sees it, but is charming at the same time (her telling one particular Pastor he had no right to tell her she was a bad Christian-yowza! pretty ballsy for a teenage girl)....and you will love watching her and her arch-nemesis on the youth council (a "young Republican" who plans to run for Mayor of Lubbock one day). Anyway, interesting and very entertaining, and worth seeing the early days of this lady who is certainly going to be making headlines for many years to come.

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