Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Too Much TV!

With the abundance of season finales taking place this time of year, I've been spending way too much time in front of the TV lately! Not that the weather lent itself to me doing much else until this week came around, but I have been feeling like a bit of a couch potato and am beginning to wonder what I might do with all of this extra time once all of my "shows" are on hiatus.

Who else has been watching too much TV? Last week we had the season finale of LOST, Grey's, the Office, etc. This week-American Idol! The Mentalist! NCIS! (Nobody spoil me on that last one, I am a couple episodes behind). And if you haven't seen any of the aforementioned, and don't want to be spoiled, skip the rest of this post. I warned you!

Let's see...where to begin? How about LOST! OMG-deaths! fake death(s)?! Jacob is revealed! Who is the man in black? Did the losties really change history? If so, will they remember their little jaunt through time and space? Is Juliet really dead? Where the frak were Penny and Desmond? Better yet, what the frak ever happened to CLAIRE???? And how many boxes of Kleenex did you use crying over Juliet and Sawyer's tearful end? WHY IS KATE STILL ALIVE?So many few much room to speculate! So first off, I at first thought that maybe the bomb didn't really go off, that they just time traveled again, but now maybe I think it is a combination-Juliet did really set off Jughead, and as a result of all that energy colliding, and of course, the course of history changing and "course-correcting" everyone is set back into another time-I'm just not sure when. The present? Before the plane crashed? Have no idea how this will work! And did yall notice in the flashbacks where Jacob visited the losties at critical moments in their lives-he touched all of them? He also touched Ben at the end after he stabbed him. Something must happen when he touches you-it marks you in some way. Again, I have no idea how that works exactly. Another interesting development-apparently the visions of Christian, Claire, and other "dead" people are the Man in Black using their bodies to further his own mission-to kill Jacob. Apparently, dead is dead, and poor Locke was not resurrected but simply used as a vessel to create a "loophole" for MIB to be able to complete his plot against Jacob. Hmmmm. Must think more.

Grey's....well, I was hardcore about this show in the beginning, and lost a little interest as time went on and they kept changing the date/time the show came on. But, I have watched the last couple episodes, as I was interested in the Izzie/Alex wedding story and whether or not Iz would die. I mean, I did name my dog after the girl! Needed to see her through. But the more compelling storyline turned out to be a John Doe patient who was hit by a bus when he ran in front of it to push a woman out of the way, saving her life, but nearly ending his in the process. Badly burned and unidentifiable, unable to speak, the residents work to save his life. In the true OMG moment of the night, perhaps the whole series, the patient takes Meredith's hand and traces something into her palm: 007. George's nickname. Before Mer had even put it altogether, I had jumped up off the couch and gasped so loud it scared my dog. But, about that time, she also gets it and starts screaming "ITS GEORGE!!!!!" about the same time Izzie codes in Alex's arms after brain surgery and the team attempts to revive her despite the fact that she signed a DNR. Like, I thought I needed a Vicodin or something after this episode-I was a wreck. At the end, Iz and George meet on the elevator, him in a military uniform (he joined the army earlier that day, LOL) and her in her "prom dress"-the one she was wearing the night Denny died. Now, I think they both kicked the bucket big time, but apparently the blogosphere thought this was all ambiguous. Whatever, I think they are dead, and if not, I may actually be mad because I kind of cried and I don't like to cry if its not worth it. So they better be dead.

Office.....what can I say-Pam is pregnant! Can we say shotgun wedding next season?

And of course tonight-Idol crowns its winner. Didn't I tell yall to watch out for little Kris Allen? That's how those southern boys are-they sneak up on you with their charm and their quiet confidence. I knew early on he had a shot at the big prize-I believe I may have blogged so, but I am definitely too lazy to go back and look. So, will America prefer the subtle, laid back stylings of acoustic rocker Kris, or the in-your-face, dramatic stylings of glam rocker Adam Lambert? Folks have been calling this the Adam show from day one, but Kris obviously had a strong enough fan base to get him this far, so I would not totally count him out. Either way, they are both getting record deals at this point, and I will probably buy Kris's in a heartbeat, Adam's, not so much. Just not my type of music, but the boy can sing and I think he's a great role model-he's so comfortable in his own skin! That's always a good thing. They're both so different, and as long as Danny wasn't in the finals, I'm good with however it turns out. :)

So, after I catch up on some shows that I've missed (Gossip Girl, which I heard was underwhelming, and of course NCIS among them) I'll be done with TV and need a new hobby. Any suggestions?

1 comment:

Lora said...

I find it funny that my word verification is "bible"

Anyway, I called Kris too. And am THRILLED with the results.

And I have too much recorded tv to watch. I'm going to end up watching TV while I'm off...

LOST, Grey's...too much emotion within 24 hours. Seriously.