Thursday, November 19, 2009

RIP JC Penney Big Book

Aw, this one made me sad. This edition of the JC Penney "Big Book" catalog will be the last. I know it is better for the environment, more cost-effective, etc.-but I can so clearly remember getting the "Big Book" right before Christmas, thumbing endlessly through the toy section and circling all the items on my "Wish List" which would generally include all of the Barbies, Cabbage Patch dolls, or any other doll. Seriously-my Christmas list would have been ten pages of dolls.

I mean, what will the kids do now, bookmark the items they want online and send their parents an email? Ugh.

Anyway, makes me nostalgic for "they way things were." I might have officially just become OLD.,1390279

1 comment:

Lora said...

that's SAD!
I guess I'm old too. I loved looking through that book as a child...makes me sad that my kids won't get to!