Monday, November 10, 2008


When you get to a fork in the road, take it.--Yogi Berra

Thank God this election is over, and thank God that I finally picked a winner! All of the statistics and figures that came out of this election were truly amazing. States that had not gone Republican in 30 years switching to Blue (Love ya, NC!); highest percentage of African American voters ever; and a candidate getting over 50% of the popular vote (52% to be exact, not that I am rubbing it in or anything) which even Clinton did not manage! Oh yes, Change is coming. The American People spoke loud and clear enough for even old John McCain to hear. (OK, that was mean. Did I mention I have never voted for a winner? Give me a moment here.)

After 8 years of a government controlled by the allegedly "fiscally conservative" party, our country is in 2 wars, we have a huge national debt, huge deficit, higher numbers of people without health insurance and living in poverty than we had 8 years ago, gas is anywhere from 1-3 dollars more than it was 8 years ago, food prices are going up BY THE MONTH, and people who have to work 5 jobs just to meet basic living expenses are declared national heroes on Good Morning America when we should all be screaming about the insanity of it all. So yeah, I think we reached a fork in the road of our country's future, and instead of going straight we finally veered to the left.

I'm a little amused/disturbed at the response of some of my Facebook "friends" regarding the results of the election. Now, I have friends and colleagues that voted for McCain and while disappointed (and I know how that feels) they aren't talking doom or gloom. But on facebook, some folks I went to college with, or church with, are updating their status with things like "praying for the swift return of the Lord" and "get ready for higher taxes" (because so many of us out of college are already making $250K a year I guess?) and "I'm so disappointed in my fellow Americans". Huh? Disappointed, I get. I've been there. Praying for the rapture? No so much. Because even though I disagreed with him almost all the time, I HOPED that one day Bush would do something that would make me proud, that would surprise me, that would set us on a better path. But all I got, day after day, was another fat deposit to the national debt and more soldiers killed in the Middle East. No real plan to change health care, education, poverty; no hint of the "compassionate conservatism" that was promised. There was little compassion OR conservatism in GWB's 8 years in office.

And people are sad over the fact that we kicked those policies to the curb last week???? Please, tell me, how GWB ever lifted his little pinky to abolish abortion or gay marriage. Because I know you didn't vote Republican because they are so fiscally conservative anymore. No, it was "social issues" which never even made it on his agenda. Did you really think McCain was going to go there either? Really, I want to understand this loyalty to a party who has given you nothing they promised, but you think somehow still has been chosen by God as the Christian party. They may talk the talk, but they have failed to walk the walk.

So I am trying not to let all this kill my buzz. I know my opinions aren't the only ones out there. But I don't think Obama won solely because he was not George Bush-if that were the reason, Kerry should have won 4 years ago. Obama had a clear vision for America, a message of hope and change for a better future, and has inspired people to dream of something better for their children. I'm glad for all the people of color who got to wake up and tell their kids last week that it is not foolish for them to hope to be President. I'm glad for those who have long been disenfranchised, that they finally had a candidate that looked like them and spoke to them-spoke to all of us-with a message of change, unity, and moving beyond the things that have divided our country-race, politics, religion, gender. That in spite of all of our differences, we have common values, and we can work together to form a better America. Ultimately, that is the message that connected with over 60 million voters last week and brought President-Elect Barack Obama to victory.

Now, all he has to do is not disappoint us. :) Good luck, Barack! We are a tough crowd!

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