Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Things I am Thankful for....a Top Ten List

What's Thanksgiving without pondering what you are thankful for? Since I have not been a good blogger lately (sometimes, I do have actual work to do) I thought I would take this opportunity to catch up on some recent events and point out what I am most grateful for at this very moment.

10. Beyonce. Did you see the AMA's? Killed.It. http://pinkisthenewblog.com/home/2008/11/the-2008-american-music-awards/#more-14195

9. Titans take first loss, now 10-1. Oh yeah, I am thankful that they lost. Don't want to be like the Patriots now, and win them all only to lose THE.BIG.ONE. We needed to lose. Just one.

8. Candace Gingrich, for calling out the haters, even when they include her own brother. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/candace-gingrich/a-letter-to-my-brother-ne_b_145739.html

7. Coffee-How else could I get moving in the morning?

6. & 5. New music releases-Taylor Swift's sophomore release, Fearless, and David Cook's self-titled debut. Taylor's 2nd CD suprised me. It is quite a bit more mature, generally and musically than the first. But-she's still a teenager, so its still a bunch of songs written by a teenager. But this is definitely a slightly older, wiser, and more experienced teenager, and its very good. I fully expect her to sell 3 million copies of this one too. Wish they would stop releasing the "princess" themed songs as the singles, but seems to be working for her so what do I know.

For an album that was written and recorded in probably 3-4 months, considering he only won American Idol in late May and then went on a 3 month tour, David Cook's CD is also good, but a tad generic. Its very 90's rock sounding to me, which may not appeal to everyone, but since that reminds me of my childhood and all, I'm happy with it. It is exactly the type of album I expected him to release-or at least be allowed to release, as the winner of American Idol. Again, I have to disagree with the single choices-I have yet to hear the first one, Light On, on the radio here-although I did see the video is #1 on VH1. And, if Saturday Night Live is to be any indication, it looks like Declaration will be the 2nd single, and while that one is OK, I think that Heroes or Life on the Moon are better-and Lie is the most surefire hit on there in my opinion, but I know they will not release a "ballad" type song until he's had a rock hit first (must establish the street cred). Anyway, I have two good new CDs to listen to at work, so I'm happy.

4. Twilight-the MOVIE. Yes, it is pure cheese. Yes, the special effects were bad. But to be able to enjoy the story without several hundred pages of Bella's annoying inner monologue? Fabulous. And, you know, that guy playing Edward was HOT. I am not above sitting in a movie for 2 hours for some eye candy. LONG LIVE TEENAGE DRAMA. http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/27874581/

3. Gas Prices. Honestly, I never thought I would see them below $2 again in my lifetime....and while I'm a little miffed since I think this is all GWB trying to make it look like gas is the same price now as it was when he took office, and hoping we will forget about all that mess in between, it took me less than $20 to fill up the other day, so I kind of don't care.

2. President-Elect Obama. Already pushing Bush to the side and Takin' Care of Business.

1. The health and safety of my family and friends.

Happy Thansgiving! What are YOU thankful for this year?

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