Thursday, August 27, 2009

Things I Thought About While Waiting in Line at the County Clerk's Office

1. WHO TOLD that there is a county clerk's office in Green Hills?

2. Does this line have anything to do with Cash for Clunkers?

3. That couple at the front of the line is VERY oddly matched.

4. Mattie, you shouldn't judge a book by its cover.

5. Wow, Grace's Plaza has great light. Wonder if anyone would say anything if I brought someone here for a photo shoot?

6. I really hope this doesn't take up my whole lunch break. I am RIGHT NEXT DOOR to Trader Joes's and I want to go!

7. They could at least put some chairs out here or play some elevator music.

8. I am going to Trader Joe's no matter what. I will take personal time if necessary. I AM GOING!

9. Too bad it would look funny if I started doing squats or lunges while I'm waiting. I HATE WAITING.....

10. Seriously, WHO TOLD?????

Apparently well-kept secrets never say that way!

1 comment:

Lora said...

it wasn't me!
ahhh, Trader Joe. I visited him last night.