Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Diamond Night a Little Rough

So, we are down to the final five on my guilty pleasure, American Idol. This week's theme/guest mentor, Neil Diamond, proved to be pretty dull. In fact, most of it bored me so much I don't even want to talk about it. Highlights: David Cook's 2nd song, All I Need is You (or something like that-if its not Sweet Caroline I don't know much Neil Diamond), and Brooke White's I Am, I Said which got her back on the right track after weeks of bad song choices and barely hanging on performances. Lowlights: Brooke White, who had the bad sense to choose the Monkees version of "I'm a Believer" probably the most well known song choice of the night, since its been covered in virtually every generation. It was so icky. And as much as I like him, Jason Castro's first song was OK but the second, September Morn, was another case of him having no connection to the song and I agreed with the judges that he has lost "who he is" the past couple of weeks and sadly, that is his moneymaker since his vocals are not as strong as some of the others.

I was mad at Archie for doing Sweet Caroline, because I LOVE that song and he was just so bland doing it. I was more upset with Randy for calling it da bomb because clearly he got paid to say that. It wasn't bad, it just wasn't anything special either.

So overall I was disappointed. I think Brooke will go home because a) even though Jason probably deserves to, the ladies love him; and b) even though Brooke is more interesting than Syesha, Syesha is not a bad singer and manages to squeak by each week; and c) Brooke had her best night in several weeks (ignoring the Monkees fiasco) and people always leave when you think they are safe. That's what gets you the ratings! And lets face it-we all know neither of the Davids are going ANYWHERE.

So, I am way more interested in next week at this point. I hear they are doing Songs that influenced Rock, via the Top 500 list from the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. A lot of these songs have already been done this year by the Top 12 in other theme nights.

Early song choice predictions-just by scanning the list-
Archie-My Girl-DUH! But really, I think anything in the genre of Everly Brothers, Drifters, Four Tops, etc is right up Archie's cheese-paved alley and he has gone more upbeat in the past couple weeks.

Cook-Who the heck knows? I think he could sing the phone book at this point and still make Top 2. I would like to see a modernized version of Cream's Sunshine of Your Love and a rock version of Ray Charles I Got a Woman. Of course, he could also take this opportunity to make me love him forever and do Johnny Cash. He is the only one who should attempt this. Hear that, Archie and Castro? You are not cool enough for JC.

Syesha-this will be her chance to pull out some Diana Ross/Supremes and Aretha Franklin but I would love to see her do the Crystals He's a Rebel or Da Doo Ron Ron just because I love those songs! I like her better when she is not overdoing a ballad anyway.

Brooke-if she survives, there is not a lot on this list that fits her that has not already been done so maybe Peter, Paul, and Mary If I had a Hammer? I bet she is now sad that she already did Carole King's You Got a Friend!!!! I could also see her trying Patsy Cline's I Fall to Pieces (maybe that's just me wishing for the irony of it all) but I don't think she has the pipes to do Patsy.

Jason-also tough-not a lot here that fits him and the judges clearly warned him that if he is back, he needs to get back to what he does best. Maybe the Allman Brothers Ramblin Man? Marvin Gaye's What's Goin On? There are Beach Boys songs on the list, but I think that is too obvious.

I must mention that there are also several Bob Dylan songs but I kind of hope that no one takes those on. I also hope Archie stays away from the Jackson 5 choices. And Stevie Wonder, since they always act like he is the 2nd coming of Stevie.

Anyway, if you care, check out the list and tell me what you think!

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