Thursday, May 8, 2008

Sick Days and Work Days

So I took 3 sick days last week as my sinuses have been attacked by all the pollen in the air right now. Feeling much better now but still draining like crazy-seriously, where does all of the snot COME from? I am sure my office mate LOVES hearing me blow every 15 minutes. Gross. Not to mention all the drainage has been giving me crazy awful heatrburn. *sigh*

So, I've been trying to catch up at work AND prepare to move offices. AND keep up with all my reality TV addictions. Its a tough life.

So last night Jason Castro got the boot on IDOL, and deservedly so-he was the worst of the night, and despite the combo of his pretty fave and spacey charm (see: That 70's Show's Michael Kelso) being the least polished/experienced performer left worked to his disadvantage. He looked quite relieved and happy to be the one going, and I think he knew that making it this far was a pretty big deal considering he does not fit any previous Idol mold. I did not think he was as dreadful as the judges made it out to be-and forgetting the words, well, Brooke did it and Archie has done it THREE TIMES and its not the WORST crime. I mean, I've been to a lot of concerts and seen plenty of artists forget their own words! But he was the most underwhelming performer of the night so the little train that could Syesha keeps chugging along through the Bottom 2/3 right into the Top 3. David v. David in the finale here we come!

Next week is three song night-contestant choice, producer's choice, and judges choice. I wish they would do less songs and be able to do one or two full length choices. It really distracted me last week when after a minute and a half the performances abruptly ended, mostly when they were just starting to go somewhere. I mean let's face it, real songs are not that short, and I might like a lot of people if I only have to listen to them for 90 seconds. But no one asked me.

I was also excited to see Fatima continue on to the top 3 in America's Next Top Model! Wheeee for the Somali girl!

Tonight is LOST night and the Office! I have to confess Grey's Anatomy has lost some luster for me, although I hear its going to be getting good so I am going to have to catch up online. But the Office has been AWESOME so that is my must see TV along with LOST for the evening. I can't wait to see how they get off the island.....and why some people are left behind. Anyone got any good theories????

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