Monday, May 19, 2008

Touchy Touchy.....

So apparently I pissed off a couple of people I don't even know with my country music blog. I don't know how they found my blog, but they took to insulting me PERSONALLY for my opinions when they don't even know me. One of them called me uneducated (I actually have a Master's degree, thank you, which I acquired while also working a full time and two part time jobs) AND close minded/"short-sighted" (I'm in Social Work, I work with all kinds of people with all kinds of beliefs and quite successfully). Only one person commented respectfully with a difference of opinion. Did I say none of these people know me personally?

So, elvis and kayboulware, FYI, I actually love all kinds of music. I have lots of friends that are in the business, musicians and singer/songwriters, and their music is often some of my favorite. So there is no need for people who don't know me to judge my musical taste by one silly blog. I love discovering new artists. I did not say I hated Elvis Costello, nor that I would never give Robbie Fulks a listen-I probably will. As I mentioned, I love to hear new music. And in all honesty, I do not own any CDs by Tim McGraw, George Strait, Kenny Chesney, Carrie Underwood, and most of the other mainstream country artists mentioned. I think that each of us interpreted the EW article to mean something different-I took it as, If I wanted to convince a friend to listen to what country has to offer RIGHT NOW, to add a country radio station to their car presets, what would I tell them to listen to in order to get them to give it a try? And they ain't playin' Elvis Costello or even Johnny Cash on Top 40 country radio. And that does not make Elvis/Johnny/etc any less valuable to the music world as Carrie/Garth/Kenny. I just interpreted the concept differently...with no offense to anyone.

So coming from that perspective, I thought there should have been more mainstream country music on the list...not because it's my favorite (it's not), but because that is what you will hear if you turn on the radio and listen to a country station.

So lesson here...please don't judge a blogger by one silly blog. Because I don't think I am the one that came off looking small-minded here.


G_dogg said...

Mattie: those people who commented on your country music blog were way out of line. If those are the kinds of people who like Robbie Fulks, no wonder nobody has ever heard of him.

Unknown said...

Who really cares about Robbie Fulks?

Do you take photographs of female feet in high heels?

Elvis Fontenot said...

Oh Mattie.

Sorry if you were offended by my comments, but I thought you were being rather harsh and narrow-minded..because that's how your blog read...what may have seemed jokey and effervescent to you, just sounded as though you were being rather rude and dismissive of people you'd never heard of..because you'd never heard of them; so therefore they must have little value.... I took the bait. Thank you for that cathartic moment.

PS: What tara says.