Friday, May 16, 2008

Jesus Christ is Not a Weapon

End of the Week TV Highlights:

Best. Line. of the Night. on Lost went to Hurley's mom as he prepared to whack an intruder (actually a suprise birthday party crowd) with a statuette of the Savior.

Its going to kill me that we now have to wait two weeks for the season finale of Lost! Such a cruel thing to do! If you are not watching this show, AGAIN, Netflix it over the summer and get ready to have some fun. And hang in there through late season two/early season three. It all comes together.

Season Finale-had a few WOW moments, particularly the anticipation that Jim and Pam both hoped to be engaged by the end of the going away party for Toby, only to have their moment stolen by Andy, who used Jim's set-up of fireworks to take the mic and publicly propose to Angela! GAAAAHHHH! And she said OK! And then got caught by Phyllis doing it in the office with Dwight!!! Oh the insanity. And can I just say I loved Jim trying to coach Michael on how to "court" the new HR girl in the office and take it cute.

So for the first time ever, a plus size-no, FULL FIGURED Tyra corrects all of us-model wins the show. Actually Tyra, she is real sized, much like you are these days, which is why methinks you are suddenly sensitive to the PLUS SIZE label. Whatever. Glad a "juicy booty" girl won (as Ms J called her) but still mad that she is considered abnormal in the modeling world when she has a better body than most women that I know! So-cheers and jeers on that one.

AMERICAN IDOL-No suprises here. We said ADIOS! to Syesha. Some guy named David is going to win!

So I only watched it a couple times, but I totally called the winner the first time I saw the show. Quite predictably, British Bachelor Matt (I think his name is Matt?) chose Shayne, daughter of Renegade star Lorenzo Lamas, to be his partner until the cold clammy hand of death parts them. Which is fine, but the bottle blonde ACTRESS got on my nerves by playing dumb ("do they have palm trees in London?") and the guy totally ate it all up. Like, seriously, he had women there with intelligence and careers and he sent them packing in favor of this? If that is what guys want, then clearly I now know why I am single! So frustrating to watch. Even though we all know if won't work out, maybe if the guy picked with his head instead of his you-know this show might have a better track record. Maybe not-it is a reality show.

And...the MOLE is coming back!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! My friend Jennifer and I used to LOVE this show when we were roomies. I totally wanted her to be on it-she would be an awesome Mole!

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